Brazil — Global Family Medicine - Wilfrid Laurier University
brazil map.png


Population (2018): 209.3 M

Income per Capita (2018): 10888.98 US

Percentage of GDP on Healthcare (2015): 8.91%


Year of family medicine established: 1976 (Simas KB da F, 2018).

Type of Training: Residency Program (Soares, 2018).

Length of Training: Training consists of 6 years of Medical School (Soares, 2018), in which students are exposed to primary care in their first year. This is followed 2 years of a Residency Program (Soares, 2018).

Number of institutions that offer family medicine: 2 that were found (Universidade Federal de Sao Paulo and University of Sao Carlos)

Number of family medicine residents graduating each year: 40-250 undergraduate students and 20-150 residency students (Soares, 2018).


Number of family doctors: One full time physician provides care for an average of 4,000 patients for all ages (Soares, 2018). There is 1 family doctor per 4,000 (Soares, 2018).

Physician to population ratio: 25 family doctors per 100,000 people (Soares, 2018).

DALY: 19,475 per 100,000 individuals (Due to all Causes).

Life Expectancy:

  • Females 2017: 79.3 years

  • Males 2017: 72.1 years

Mortality rate 2017:

  • 2017 Males: 189 per 1,000 male adults.

  • 2017 Females: 92 per 1,000 female adults.

Infant Immunization-HepB3: % of 1-year-old children received: 83%

College of Family Physicians (Y or N):

  • Yes: Brazilian Society for Family Medicine.


Healthcare system

The healthcare system in Brazil is universal, private inside public (Soares, 2018). Family medicine is recognized by managers, not by salary as it’s not equivalent to other specialists (Soares, 2018). 95% of physicians are in the public sector, while 5% are private (Soares, 2018). In brazil there is a need for more generalists (Galasso, 2019).


Medical training in Brazil is believed to give individuals the criteria needed to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes to deal with the public health problems faced in everyday life (Junior & Brzezinski, 2018). Students are able to enter medical school directly after the completion of high school (Galasso, 2019). It encompasses 6 years of medical schooling followed by 2 years of a residency program (Soares, 2018).


In some clinics in Brazil, they have internists, pediatricians and gynecologists (Soares, 2018). Family physicians in Brazil are called “clinic doctors” because with the limited number of physicians in the country, they work both in hospitals and clinics. Family doctors are managers of care, they teach in clinics for undergrad and residences. Also, they are collaborators, care coordinators and advocates of patients (Soares, 2018). Family physicians act as gatekeepers in the hospital and clinic settings. A family physician must be seen before seeing a specialist and going to the emergency room (Soares, 2018). In Brazil, family physicians work using a community oriented primary care model, where they work in teams in the hospital and clinical settings (Soares, 2018).


“Current Health Expenditure (% of GDP) | Data.” n.d. Accessed December 16, 2018.

Galasso, M., interview by Samantha Peticca, February 14th, 2019

Junior, A.D., & Brzezinski, I. (2018, June 28). Medical Education: Curriculum Comparison between Brazil and Portugal. Retrieved from

“Population, Total | Data.” n.d. Accessed December 16, 2018.

Soares, S., MD, interview by Jenna Lazarou, November 28th, 2018

“TRADING ECONOMICS | 20 Million INDICATORS FROM 196 COUNTRIES.” n.d. Accessed December 16, 2018.