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North Korea

Population (2018): 25.610 M (World Population, 2018)

Income per Capita (2018): 583.00 US (Income per Capita, 2018)

Percentage of GDP on Healthcare (2015): 9.06% (Trading Economics, 2007)


There was no comprehensive data found on North Korea through an online scope and literature review. The initial literature scope was done to collect data from online sources, such as, medical school websites and the WHO website. The literature review was done to collect data from papers retrieved using Google, Google Scholar, PubMed, and Web of Science. Potentially more information will be added upon further correspondence with Dr. Belong Cho.  

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“Income per Capita”, Trading Economics (2018), Accessed November 7, 2018,

“North Korea Health Expenditure”, Trading Economics (2007). Accessed December 8, 2018,

“World Population”, Worldometers (2018). Accessed December 1, 2018,