Population (2017): 190.9 M
Income Per Capita (2018): 2412.41 US
Percentage of GDP on Healthcare: 3.56
The year Family Medicine established: 1980 (Ngong, Cyprian, MBBS).
Length of Medical School: 6 years
Type of Training: Residency (Ngong, Cyprian, MBBS).
Length of Training: (Ngong, Cyprian, MBBS).
o 6 years medical school
o 1 year internship
o 1 year service for government
o 4-5 years to complete family medicine
Number of institutions that offer family medicine: (Ngong, Cyprian, MBBS), 2 institutions, the National Postgrad Medical College of Nigeria, and one is West African College of Physicians.
Number of family medicine residents graduating each year: (Ngong, Cyprian, MBBS,), Approx. 60 graduates, since there are 2 exams per year for family medicine residency program, so in total 120 graduates per year.
Number of family doctors in a country (2018): 800 (Ngong, Cyprian, MD).
Physician to population ratio (2018): 20 physicians per 100,000 people (Ngong, Cyprian, MD).
DALY: 56,297 per 100,000 individuals (Due to all Causes).
Life Expectancy:
Females 2017: 54.7 years
Males 2017: 53.1 years
Mortality rate 2017:
2017 Males: 368 per 1,000 male adults.
2017 Females: 328 per 1,000 female adults.
Infant Immunization-HepB3: % of 1-year-old children received: 57%
College of Family Physicians (Y or N):
The National Postgraduate Medical College of Nigeria, and the West African College of Physicians.
Healthcare System
The healthcare system is mixed, comprised of both a public system and a private system (trying to make more money because government does not pay well). (Ngong, Cyprian, MD,), family medicine is well recognized within the healthcare system; however, people still do not understand the role of family physicians. It is considered an identity crisis. Within colleagues, the level of recognition is high because they understand the role and refer their patients to family physicians they believer are doing a good job. (Ngong, Cyprian, MD,), there are approx. 42,000 physicians in the private and/or public sector, (Ngong, Cyprian, MD,).
In Nigeria, the specialty of family medicine has endured its own share of identity crises. Data suggest that family physicians in Nigeria focus their activity on providing comprehensive, person-centered care, across time, regardless of the patient’s age, sex or health problem. A family physician is guided by a particular set of skills and values, and feels professionally accomplished through this way of practicing medicine. There is a need to expose family medicine trainees in Nigeria to more primary health care/community-oriented care in a community setting.
(Ngong, Cyprian, MBBS), primary care consists of 40% doctors, who graduated but did not specialize, and 20% consists of nurses and community health extension workers. (Ngong, Cyprian, MBBS), In the urban settings, the patients come to the family medicine doctor first. In rural settings, family physicians perform tasks that should be performed by specialists because transportation is too far to refer the patients; hence family physicians perform tasks such as C-section. (Ngong, Cyprian, MBBS), Family medicine doctors are gatekeepers. (Ngong, Cyprian, MBBS), A community oriented primary care model is used in Nigeria.