Burma (Myanmar)
Population (2017): 53.37 Million
Income per capita (2018): 1,298.88 US
Percentage of GDP on Healthcare (2015): 4.95
Type of Training – Diploma in Family Medicine (in 2020 there will be a Masters program implemented) (Thu, 2019)
Length of Training – 1 year course after medical school
Year Family Medicine established – 2015
Number of family medicine residents graduating each year – 40-50
Number of institutions that offer family medicine – 4, The University of Medicine 1, (Yangon), the University of Medicine 2, (Yangon), the University of Medicine Mandalay, and the University of Medicine Magway (Thu, 2019)
Number of family doctors – approximately 630
Physician to population ratio – 61 per 100 000
healthcare system
Currently the country has a mixed healthcare system, with a polyclinic model. However, the government is committed to providing universal healthcare by 2030 (Thu, 2019).
There is currently a year-long course for family medicine that is available (Myanmar Academy of Family Physicians). There are 11,000 general practitioners according to the government, which makes up 65% of the physician workforce (Myanmar Academy of Family Physicians). The Myanmar Academy of Family Physicians started in 2015 due to the leadership of the General Practitioner Society of the Myanmar Medical Association (Myanmar Academy of Family Physicians).
The general practitioners provide curative and other health services to a huge range of patients (Myanmar Academy of Family Physicians).