Population (2017): 42.86 M
Income Per Capita (2018): 666.61 US
Percentage of GDP on Healthcare: 7.30
The year family medicine established: 1989, (Ronald Pust, MD; Bruce Dahlman, MD; et al., International Family Medicine).
Type of Training: Master’s Program, ( Besigye, Innocent, MD).
Length of Training: 3 years
o 6 years medical school, ( Besigye, Innocent, MD).
· Family medicine is taught in medical school
o 1 year internship
o The Master of Medicine in Family Health programme normally extends over a period of three years.
Number of institutions that offer family medicine: There are three institutions that offer family medicine training. First being Makerere University. Its training sites are Mulago National Referral and Teaching Hospital (MNRTH) and Tororo General/District Hospital. (Besigye, Innocent, MD,), The program has trained more than 50 graduates who are practicing throughout the country. The second one being, Mbarara University. Its training site is Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital (MRRH). The third being the International Health Sciences University. Its training site is the International Hospital Kampala (IHK) and its affiliated clinics, (“Global Family Doctor - WONCA Online.”).
Number of family medicine residents graduating each year: 6, (Besigye, Innocent, MD).
Number of family doctors in a country (2018): unknown.
Physician to population ratio (2015): 9 to 100,000 people, (“Ov e r v i e w o f UHC a n d t h e S DGs.”).
DALY: 50,471 per 100,000 individuals (Due to all Causes).
Life Expectancy:
Females 2017: 62.4 years
Males 2017: 58.0 years
Mortality rate 2017:
2017 Males: 340 per 1,000 male adults.
2017 Females: 264 per 1,000 female adults.
Infant Immunization-HepB3: % of 1-year-old children received: 93%
College of Family Physicians (Y or N):
healthcare system
The healthcare system is mixed in Uganda. (“PRIMARY HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS (PRIMASYS)” 2017.), family medicine is recognized and valued within the healthcare system. It is publically funded. (Besigye, Innocent, MD,), there are fewer than 5,000 physicians in the private and public sector, (Wasswa, Henry. 2012.).
Other primary care deliverers include nurse practitionersa, clinical officers (assistant physicians), and community health workers; in which a big proportion are a part of the primary care deliverers.The role of the family physician is to teach, learn, and to provide leadership. There are no gatekeepers. (Besigye, Innocent, MD,), a very small percentage of family doctors are primary care providers. The model of primary care used in Uganda is beginning to adopting the community oriented primary care model, (Tashobya, Christine Kirunga, et al.,). Family Medicine is a recognized specialty in
Uganda and the training takes three years. There are three institutions that offer family medicine training. First being Makerere University. Its training sites are Mulago National Referral and Teaching Hospital (MNRTH) and Toronto General/District Hospital.a The program has trained more than 50 graduates who are practicing throughout the country. The second one being, Mbarara University. Its training site is Mbarara Regional Referral Hospital (MRRH). The third being the International Health Sciences University. Its training site is the International Hospital Kampala (IHK) and its affiliated clinics.
Family Medicine is evolving rapidly in Africa. However, family medicine as a specialty is still facing challenges such as few family medicine faculty with limited support or opportunities for faculty development. Also, the post-graduate residency-training program in Uganda requires trainees to pay substantial tuition to the university, which limits the potential number of trainees. Access to care has tremendously improved in this country since it began providing universal healthcare. This is evident through many things one of them being the drop in HIV infections from 30% to only 6% today and the increased visitations to health centres