Saudi Arabia
Population (2017, M): 32.94
Income per Capita, (2018, USD): 7314.62
Percentage of GDP on Healthcare, (2015): 5.83
Year family medicine was established: 1983 (Osman et al., 2011)
Type of Training: Diploma or Residency (Al-Khaldi et al., 2017)
Length of Training: 2 year diploma or 4 year residency (Al-Khaldi et al., 2017)
Number of institutions that offer family medicine: 9 (Osman et al., 2011)
Number of family medicine residents graduating each year: 25 (Osman et al., 2011)
Family doctor to patients ratio: 1:68,485 (Osman et al., 2011)
Physician to population ratio: 137 per 100 000 (International Statistics, n.d.)
DALY: 15,453 per 100,000 individuals (Due to all Causes).
Life Expectancy:
Females 2017: 76.5 years
Males 2017: 73.4 years
Mortality rate 2017:
2017 Males: 95 per 1,000 male adults.
2017 Females: 76 per 1,000 female adults.
Infant Immunization-HepB3: % of 1-year-old children received: 97%
College of Family Physicians (Y or N):
Yes: Saudi Board of Family Medicine (SBFM).
healthcare system
Family medicine in Saudi Arabia is recognized by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties and the Saudi Board of Family Medicine (Al-Khaldi, 2017)
Family medicine is well recognized in this country. Out of the 6107 physicians in the country 636 are family physicians. There is a family medicine department in every single one of the medical schools in the country. 14 departments have an Internship for family medicine while there are 95 training centres in total for family medicine residency whole 68 exist for a family medicine diploma. The total number of graduates thus far 756 graduates with a residency training from the SBFM and 137 graduates with a diploma training from the SDFM.
Family doctors are ultimately responsible for providing basic but comprehensive and continuous care to their patients (Al-Khaldi, 2017) This includes routine check-ups with basic measurements like blood pressure. Other primary care deliverers include radiologists, nurses and general practitioners (Al-Khaldi, 2017). There are approximately 2282 primary healthcare centres that are located both in rural and urban areas around the country.
Al-Khaldi, Y.M., Al-Ghamdi, E.A., Al-Mogbil, T.I., and Al-Khashan, H.I. 2017. “Family Medicine Practice in Saudi Arabia: The Current Situation and Proposed Strategic Directions Plan 2020.” Journal of Family & Community Medicine 24 (3): 156–63.
“Countries Compared by Health; Physicians; Per 1,000 People. International Statistics at NationMaster.Com.” n.d. Accessed December 2, 2018.
Kidd, M. 2016. “From the President: Family Medicine in the Middle East.” 2016.
Osman, H., Romani, M., and Hlais, S. 2011. “Family Medicine in Arab Countries.” Family Medicine 43 (1): 37–42.