Population (2018): 3.076 M (World Population, 2018)
Income per Capita (2018): 7812.95 US (Income per Capita, 2018)
Percentage of GDP on Healthcare (2015): 5.97% (World Bank, 2015)
DALY: 20,343/100,000 individuals (due to all causes).
Life Expectancy:
Females 2017: 74.0 years
Males 2017: 65.0 years
Mortality rate 2017:
Males: 291 per 1,000 male adults.
Females: No data
Infant Immunization-HepB3: % of 1-year-old children recieved: 99%
College of Family Physicians (Y or N):
Family Group Practice was established in 1999 (O’Rourke et al., 2003). Post-secondary training involves four years of medical school training (Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences, 2018). No other comprehensive data was found on Mongolia through an online scope and literature review. The initial literature scope was done to collect data from online sources, such as, medical school websites and the WHO website. The literature review was done to collect data from papers retrieved using Google, Google Scholar, PubMed, and Web of Science. No key informants were obtained to help verify or obtain information.
“Income per Capita”, Trading Economics (2018), Accessed November 7, 2018,
O’Rourke, M., Mira, M., Orgil, B., and Jeugmans, J. “Developing family medicine in Mongolia” 2: 65-70 (2003). Accessed December 1, 2018,
“Percentage of GDP on healthcare”, World Bank (2015), Accessed November 25, 2018,
“School of Medicine”, Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences. Accessed December 1, 2018,
“World Population”, Worldometers (2018). Accessed December 1, 2018,