Population (2022): 33 397 000 M
Income per Capita (2022): S/ 16 523.31
Percentage of GDP on Healthcare (2022): 4.16%%
Year of family medicine established: 1989
Type of Training: Specialization or Residency Program
Length of Training: 7 years of undergraduate, 1 year of medical social service, 3 years of training program specialization or residency
Number of institutions that offer family medicine: 18 Institutions offer family medicine training.
Number of family medicine residents graduating each year: 100-200
Number of family doctors: 960 (10% more, however some do not register)
Physician to population ratio: 1 doctor for every 362 population. By 2021, there are 14 doctors for every 10,000 inhabitants(can ask for any doctor, not registered for one).
DALY: As of 2016, there are 5,315,558 Lost Healthy Years (NOTICE) to predominance of years lost due to disability (AVD), than 58.7% (3,120,232,546)
Life Expectancy:
Females 2020: 79.8 years
Males 2020: 74.5 years
Mortality rate 2020:
2020 Males: 142 per 1,000 male adults.
2020 Females: 82 per 1,000 female adults.
Infant Immunization-HepB3: % of 1-year-old children received: 72%
College of Family Physicians (Y or N):
healthcare system
Peru has a mixed healthcare system. Family medicine is recognized by multiple insurers and providers, though 20% of the population remain without coverage. Additionally, in terms of the population, they do not have a lot of knowledge on family physicians, though all residency’s in Peru are publicly funded by the government. Many individuals request a different physician as they are more aware of their practice.
In Peru only 18 of the 50 medical schools of Peru They have a program of specialty in Family Medicine, where the formation time is 3 years, through the Residentate; In addition, the proportion of physicians residents is less than 5%. According to the System Regulation National Medical Resident (SINAREME), for every 5 residents should have a guardian, on the contrary, the Peruvian reality far from this recommendation.
In addition to family physicians, facilities of social security; pediatricians, gynecologists, GP without training of family medicine. Public systems: nurses and nurse techniciane. Family physicians in Peru are called “medico familiale”, who work in teams in the public system and solo in private system. They do not act as gatekeepers, typically GPs without label are used as gatekeepers in healthcare facilities. In Peru, family physicians work in a community and family model of health delivery in basic teams. In Peru, 70% of physicians of family work in teams in the public sector and only 30% in the private system, where they work in a community and family model of health provision, in teams basics.
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