Poland — Global Family Medicine - Wilfrid Laurier University


Population (2017): 38,695

Income per Capita (2011): 162,009.88 US

Percentage of GDP on Healthcare (2015): 2.03%


Year family medicine established: 1995 (Whitehouse, 2000)

Type of Training: Residency, first two years consisting of mostly hospital and clinic training, and the last two years focused on family medicine (Admissions RSU, 2018)

Length of Training: Medical school (6 years), residency training program, (4 years) (Assessing Family Medicine Trainees- What Can We Learn From the European Neighbors?, n.d.)

Number of institutions that offer family medicine: 10 (Brekke et al., 2013)

Number of family medicine residents graduating each year: unknown


Number of family doctors in country (2016): 14,618 family physicians (Eurostat, 2016)

Physician to population ratio: unknown

Number of family doctors in country (2016): 1,412 family physicians (Eurostat, 2016)

Physician to population ratio (2006): 56.1 family physicians per 100,000 people (Masseria et al., 2009).

DALY: 14,911 per 100,000 individuals (Due to all Causes)

Life Expectancy:

  • Females 2017: 82.0 years

  • Males 2017: 73.9 years

Mortality rate 2017:

  • 2017 Males: 161 per 1,000 male adults.

  • 2017 Females: 62 per 1,000 female adults.

Infant Immunization-HepB3: % of 1-year-old children received: 91%

College of Family Physicians (Y or N):

  • Yes: The College of Family Physicians in Poland.

poland .png

healthcare system

The College of Family Physicians in Poland was established in 1992 (About the College, 2018)


Family medicine was established in Poland in 1995 (Whitehouse, 2000). It is a residency program, with the first two years consisting largely of hospital and clinical training, while the last two years focus on family medicine (Admissions RSU, 2018). Medical school is 6 years, following this is a 4-year training program (Assessing Family MEdicine Trainees-What Can We Learn from the European Neighbors?, n.d.)

10 institutions in Poland currently offer family medicine training (Brekke et al., 2013)


14,618 family physicians are practicing in Poland as recorded in 2016. Their role is currently unknown as it relates to other primary care deliverers. Family physicians provide primary care, and patients are encouraged to seek them out to get a referral before seeing a specialist using financial incentives (Eurostat, 2016)


“About the College.” n.d. Accessed December 2, 2018. https://www.klrwp.pl/strona/6/about-college/en.

“Admissions RSU.” n.d. Accessed November 28, 2018. https://www.rsu.lv/en/study-here/admissions.

“Assessing Family Medicine Trainees-What Can We Learn from the European Neighbours?” n.d. Retrieved from http://www.rcgp.org.uk.

Brekke, M., Carelli, F., Zarbailov, N., Javashvili, G., Wilm, S., Timonen, M., & Tandeter, H. 2013. “Undergraduate Medical Education in General Practice/Family Medicine throughout Europe-a Descriptive Study.” http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6920/13/157.

“Physicians, by Speciality.” 2016. Eurostat. Retrieved from https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statisticsexplained/index.php?title=File:Physicians,_by_speciality,_2016_HLTH18.png.

Whitehouse, C.R. 2000. “The Development of Family Medicine Training in Poland-a Decade of European Cooperation.” The European Journal of General Practice 6 (1): 23–36. https://doi.org/10.3109/13814780009074503.